Panic Attacks and Anxiety / Fears & Phobias
Unable to stop your fearful thoughts or anxious imagings about a particular relationship, events or troublesome worry? Feeling out of control, shaky, edgy, sleepless, unfocused? Fears piling in on your day that seem extreme or unrelated to the actual situations your are facing. Worries or fears that stop you from functioning normally or approaching situations that you would like to do? Such worries, fears, panics, anxiety moments, can hamper relationships, career moves, self-esteem, and even what you do for fun.
Therapies which are evidence-based or shown to reduce anxieties include Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Relationship Therapy, Hypnotherapy, NLP, EMDR, Systematic Desensitization especially if your anxiety is related to clearly remembered events or attitudes you adopted knowingly. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, and other types of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, also are known to help when memories are lost or the panics, anxieties, worries or unstoppable thoughts have been long-lived and the origin is unknown. Dr. Carol Francis can discuss with you the types of treatment that may most likely help you given your concerns, your history, your personality style and your goals.