Body Mind Sculpturing

Your Body & Mind Working Together
Fitness, Psychotherapy and Nutrition play a huge role in your well being.
310-543-1824 | Serving the Los Angeles & South Bay Areas

Body / Mind Sculpting

Research is conclusive: 


Healthy Eating, Healthy Exercise, Healthy Relationships & Healthy Attitudes

Body/Mind Sculpting 
developed by Dr. Carol Francis

Check out her KISS METHOD of Weight Loss Too 
Training Sessions For Your Whole Beauty 
Body/Mind Sculpturing Sessions
Your BEAUTY, inside and out, becomes powerfully beneficial to you and others when you take care of the whole of who you are. Your beauty is a complex combination of your exercise activity, nutritional fuel, psychological well-being, experience of personal success, relational satisfaction as well as your sense of meaningfulness and purpose.
How does it work?
During one training/work-out session, your body is exercised progressively at the level your physical health is prepared to handle on that day. Simultaneously, your emotional and personal growth is provided psychotherapy. Release of toxic or troubling memories and feelings are combined with issue-resolution and improvements in personal circumstances and personality qualities. Psychologically healthy responses are sculptured along with your body's muscular and cardiovascular strength. You become emotionally liberated to be more of your personal potential during each session. It does not stop here!
Harnessing the wisdom and proven "laws" of personal success (affecting your profession, physical well-being, or relationships) are intertwined into your session time. In addition, during this new type of personal training, nutritional coaching, designed to enhance your body, mind and soul are interwoven.
The Body/Mind Sculpturing System exercises your body, mind, personality, emotions, motivation, and soul in each training session helping you evolve to your ever greater potential each day.
Fitness Training & Sculpturing
Aerobic and anaerobic workout includes weight training, isometrics, weight resistance, pilates and yogic moves alongside cardiovascular activities tailored to match your fitness level and evolve your body's strength and form. Fitness Training, which improves your shape and strength, will also profoundly impact any depression, anxiety, mental stress, fogginess, decision making, as well as brain functioning and health. These scientifically proven benefits of exercise are detailed for you at As a certified fitness trainer, I wisely move you into a wonderful relationship with your body's beautiful form.

Psychotherapy for Your Mind, Emotions
In addition, I have 30 years experience as a licensed Clinical Psychologist, Marriage, a Child and Family Therapist, and a Certified Medical Hypnotherapist. During each session, I implement with you the many, many psychotherapy techniques and tools which build your emotional ease, mental strengths, motivations, personal skills, rework your psychological history. While exercising, you also are improving relationships and personal success as well as addressing any depression, anxiety, fear, anger, blocks or pressing issues that exists within your current life. While you exercise your body during each Body/Mind Sculpturing Session, you also work on the beauty of your psychological make-up. Your body, mind, emotions, life circumstances and personality become even more coordinated and effective.
Nutritional Counseling for your Healthy Body and Mind
As a certified nutrition counselor, I also integrate your love of food with your exercise and psychotherapy program. What you feed the chemical lab of your body will impact your personal feelings and stability and physical fitness simultaneously. The Body/Mind Sculpturing Sessions integrate the magic of foods and nutrients into your formula for successful living.

Fueling Your Soul and Harnessing the Principles that Mold This Universe
The exercising of your Soul or Core Self, is the fourth dimension of Body/Mind Sculpturing Sessions. Utilizing a multitude of eastern and western meditative approaches, your Body/Mind Sculpturing Work-Outs always include the grasping and utilization of pivotal concepts and tools which evolve your sense of meaningfulness, creative powers and harmony. Laws of "Attraction," "Golden Rule" & "Keys to Successful & Beautiful Living" are only a few of such principles applied within each workout.

Dr. Carol Francis, as a Clinical Psychologist, Marriage, Family & Child Therapist, and Certified-Medical Hypnotherapist for over 30 years, determined that physical fitness profoundly impacts all her patients' well-being. She began to integrate the powerfully transformative tools of psychotherapy with the equally energizing disciplines of physical fitness with nutritional approaches. She discovered that treating all these dimensions of a person's life simultaneously unstoppably changed each person's life. Body/Mind Sculpturing was born! Now, as a certified fitness trainer, certified nutrition counselor and Clinical Psychologist, she provides a comprehensive and doable treatment that addresses the whole person.
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